
Tourism for all, promote universal accessibility. World Tourism Day, September 27, 2016

On September 27 we celebrate the whole sector World Tourism Day. This year 2016 the theme has been Tourism for all. Promote universal accessibility. The main objective of this international day is the dissemination and awareness of the entire population in the positive values ​​that generates all the turístimca industry: social benefits, economic development, cultural exchange, and political advances in democracy.

Claiming a tourism accessible to all is talking about creating spaces that take into account the needs of all of us and we, whether we travel around the world as if we were at home visiting tourist attractions most interesting of our city. It may be because of a disability, even a temporary one, or because we are responsible small, or because we are doing older children, but at some point in our life course, everyone and all benefit us the accessibility of tourism.

For this reason, the September 27, 2016 claim the right of all citizens of the world to directly know the incredible diversity of our planet and the beauty of the world in which we live. In the WTD 2016, enter all, we spread the values ​​of the importance of universal accessibility and provides immense benefits us all society.

The World Tourism Day has been celebrated since the beginning September 27 and its purpose is to increase the awareness of the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value. In addition, as an official day set in the calendar of the United Nations, the celebration aims to highlight the potential of tourism to contribute to that they can achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS), addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing society today.

Check the official labels used on Twitter: #tourism4all and #WTD2016.

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